
Revisiting the Toilet Seat Position

For those of us in an office area (or at home) with a unisex bathroom, the toilet seat debate is a constant one. Remember that the seat is different from the lid.
Spittle on the seat. Men putting the seat up and down or not. Women falling in. Massive displeasure all around for those who have to touch the seat.
I have visited this before, but now I am taking a survey.

What do you do?

Also click here for an in depth research on toilet seat schemes.


  1. i cast my vote, but my opinion is that a toilet should always be fully closed. that is why it has a lid on it. This solves everyones' problem. Everyone has to lift it up to some degree.

    i think the whole thing is ridiculous to even be debated any other way!?!?

  2. but what about if the toilet seat is all the way up when you go in there? do you then put it down just to be nice?

  3. i agree with rach! it's just courtesy to everyone! equal rights!! :)

  4. I pose the following question: If each person were paid $10 each time they had to move the seat from one position to the next, would we still be having this conversation? In other words, if this was a good thing instead of a chore, would people still complain about doing it? How is it equal rights that the men are the only ones who have to touch the toilet seat? If women want equal rights, I say the seat swings both ways. In the work environment, I say put the seat in which ever position suits your need.
