
Why Life in Cubicle Land?

The same question we ask ourselves. How do we do it everyday? Spending the day staring at a computer (while someone looks over our unaware shoulder) surrounded by pinned up, paper covered walls. As we attempt to bring a glimpse of joy in with a glance at a picture or 2 of our beloveds, we get interrupted by the sounds of wandering door-blessed office dwellers that dare to open the door and vacate their home land for a few minutes fetching a coffee or making a copy. Somehow they always find time to peer over your wall and ask inconsequential, timewasting questions. It is time for CUBINAUTS to band together countrywide to share anecdotes of surviving and thriving while in cubicle land. Join us now for the empowerment you need to get through each day with your head held high.

Arca Archa Habito Iunctum!!!

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